Smile For Health Benefits Body

It turned out that smile is very beneficial for our body, even a lot of research, which revealed that the disease can be reduced by teraphy someone smile. But of course with a smile of good rules. That is right 2cm lip pull up, pull the left lip also 2cm upward and hold for 8 seconds. Or more of us are familiar with the formula "2-2-8"?.

Here are some types of diseases that can be reduced, and the impact of good health with therapeutic smile, smile happiness you can do.

1. Eliminate Stress
Work is piling with a limited time, make sure you stress. Not to mention if there are personal problems. Try to take a minute. Relax yourself, practice good smile, forget for a moment the problem that makes you stressed, remember and recall the days of fun for you.


Alcohol Effects Not Just Drunk

Almost everyone who used to drink alcoholic beverages have experienced dizziness or feeling tortured another drink after that the number of passing of the dose. However, more than just drunken habit of drinking alcohol is actually a very broad impact on health.

According dr.Ari Fahrial Sham, a specialist in internal medicine from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, the adverse effects of drinking alcohol will hit various organs in the body, ranging from the brain, mouth, gastrointestinal tract, to the large intestine.

Excessive alcohol drinking usually cause a reaction of confusion, slowing the ability to react, blurred vision, until the loss of concentration and muscle coordination, all of which can make a person an injury or fatal accident.


10 Benefits of Running Exercise Morning

The researchers have declared, running is one way to stay young. "And from a variety of existing cardio exercise, running has been named as a sport that can make the body fit and stay young," said JoAnn Manson, MD., Head of prevention at the hospital division of Brigham and Women's.


Seven Ways to Overcome Shyness

Shame is a combination of social nervousness and social conditioning. To overcome this shame, all you need is to learn to relax socially. It takes effort to steer yourself away from too self-centered, and give yourself the space to practice conversation skills. In most cases, culminating in socializing emotion that makes people respond to various events with a sense of fear. To start reducing shame, for you are shy.
there are a few things below that you may be able to practice.

1. Think about how you feel and act
around the people you already know, where you can feel comfortable and be spontaneous. Divert that feeling when you meet new acquaintances, as well as in a situation that makes your confidence grow young


How Children Learn Kinesthetic

A child who include kinesthetic learners often misinterpreted as ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). Children with type kinesthetic learners easily stressed when they were just told to sit quietly, reading and listening in a classroom environment. And to relieve stress they experienced, they may perform some actions such as repeated backward, or sharpening their pencils in the classroom. While in their seats, they began stretching their legs, rocking or leaning in their seats. When this behavior is unacceptable teacher or caregiver, they are often confused with attention disorders.



Hepatitis is a disease caused by several types of viruses that attack and cause inflammation and damage to liver cells of humans. Hepatitis has several classes, including hepetitis A, B, C, D, E, F and G. Here we will discuss the focus of articles hepatitis A, B and C.

Hepatitis A
Hepatitis Hepatitis A is a group of illnesses are mild and rarely causes death, hepatitis A (VHA = hepatitis A virus) spread through the droppings / faeces of patients who transmitted through food and beverages terkomtaminasi, not through sexual activity or through blood. For example, fish or shellfish that comes from the area of ​​water polluted by human waste of patients.


Whether Chocolate Can Make Acne?

Acne is a common skin diseases experienced by many people. Most people think that acne only happens during teenage years only, but acne can also occur in adults. One of the foods that are the focus of monitoring and research is chocolate. Can chocolate cause acne or worse than that?

There is no evidence that chocolate causes acne or acne triggers. In a study discussed in the Skin Therapy Letter, researchers gave 65 participants an easy breakouts, chocolate bars are enriched with cocoa every day for four months, while another group was given only a placebo that is not enriched with cocoa during the same time period. The result the researchers found no difference between the two groups in terms of acne.


5 Benefits of Spicy Foods

Spicy foods are not always defined as food prepared with chili. Spicy flavor can also be obtained from the pepper, black pepper, turmeric, and various other herbs.

You who love spicy food should feel happy, because it has a spicy flavor many health benefits. For example, as has been often mentioned before, spicy foods may attenuate the body. But that is only one example only. Take a look at other benefits that you did not know:


Body Shaping Tip sixpack, Without Having to GYM

Usually there are two kinds of people about the desire to tighten the abdominal muscles, one wants to form his stomach so it looks like the second sixpack stomach flat but has a very strong stomach muscles. people who have a sixpack does not necessarily have strong abdominal muscles, it may be hard to say yes but not strong.

To get Six Pack body, the first reply palingg important is motivation. And the effort will produce results satisfactory, because discipline is needed to establish who the body ideal.

Well, yangg exercise needs to be done to form the body without going to the GYM Sixpack is as follows:


How to Overcome Nausea During Pregnancy

How to Overcome Nausea During Pregnancy - Nausea and vomiting experienced by many pregnant women, even nausea are often suggested as an early sign of pregnancy.

Complaints of nausea and vomiting (morning sickness) generally occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, especially during her first pregnancy, and will disappear by itself over into the second and third trimster.

Although considered a normal and natural, nausea during pregnancy can inhibit the activity, it can even create a maternal and fetal malnutrition. Because in many cases, expectant mothers feel nausea and vomiting at the smell of food, including rice.


How to Healthy Cooking

The food we eat is the main energy source for our body. But if the food you eat is properly cooked or healthy? In addition to seasoning / ingredient dish that can inhibit the formation of fats into saturated fats, how to cook was equally important. With the correct way of cooking, the food will be healthier.

Here are tips on how to make healthy meals.

  • Boil. Boil the meat until tender, set aside some time if you need to enter the refrigerator. The goal is fat-fat that rises to the top. Will usually look at the ceiling that covers the surface, immediately remove and discard. After the stew meat free of fat that floats, though as you wish.

How to Eliminate Acne

Acne is one of the most hated, especially by adolescents. In times of puberty is acne usually occur, whether it's on the cheeks, forehead, nose, or even spread to the entire face. That's why, I wrote an article with the title this way eliminate acne, may be a useful reference.

Tips on how to eliminate acne and how to remove acne scars naturally

1. The most important and we must do to be free of acne whose name is always diligent in cleaning the face, especially for oily skin, especially after doing outdoor activities.

2. Avoid / minimize eating foods that contain sugar, chocolate, and nuts as well as spicy foods, oily and fatty foods.


Benefits of Drinking Water At Wake Sleep

Some people sometimes have a habit to drink water when I was just waking up. This habit is proved to have many health benefits. What are the benefits of drinking water when you wake up?

Water needs to be consumed person is different, this is because it depends on several factors such as weight, sex, weather, and also the activities done daily. For example, people who are physically active or live in hot climates, it needs more water.

It takes time, discipline and commitment to get used to consume water immediately after waking up, as this may provide some health benefits. The following benefits can be obtained, as quoted from Livestrong, Wednesday (07/09/2011), namely:


Insomnia Causes and How Treating Insomnia

Insomnia Causes and How Treating Insomnia is a symptom of sleep disorders include difficulty falling asleep or repeatedly to maintain sleep, although there is a chance for it. The symptoms are typically followed by functional impairment while awake. Insomnia is often caused by the presence of a disease or a result of psychological problems. In this case, medical or psychological assistance will be needed.

One of the psychological therapies that effectively deal with insomnia is cognitive therapy. In such therapy, a patient is taught to improve sleep habits and eliminate counter-productive assumptions about sleep. Many people with insomnia depend on sleeping pills and other sedative substances to be rested. All sedative drugs have the potential to cause psychological dependence on a presumption that they can not sleep without the drug.


10 Ways Good and Comfortable Sleep

Sleep is the best rest. All orangmembutuhkan sleep as hard as any man. Sleep is a natural cycle darisistem human body works. Like a machine, the human body needs a break agartubuh can work again.

Besides eating and drinking, sleep is a new starting point munculnyaenergi. If we sleep comfortably, when I wake up your body certainly terasasegar and vibrant.

Here are 10 ways to sleep good and comfortable:


Dangers Hold Pee

Danger to hold urine? yes .. hold urine was danger loh .. we have read from several articles in books, and the experience turned out to hold urine is also no harm ..

It could be an infection, urinary tract blockage, even tumors.

There are two kinds of blockage, ie from outside and from within ..
caused by objects outside singatau stones, and blockage of the can in because of an infection or a tumor ..

If an interruption occurs in the urinary tract then immediately check, because this disease is dangerous .. for it, if can not hold urine,


Benefits of Carrot And Gynecology

Do not look if it was only good for a carrots vegetables alone, or many people menenal anyapada benefits of vitamin A are carrots its course, the benefits of carrots is not a little for the health of our bodies. Carrots mempuyai chemical content of lumyan complete. Among them there are the sugar content of carrots, carotene, pectin, aspargin, vitamin A, b, C, D, and vitamin K, tight, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, amino acids, essential oils, and betakarotin.

Plus it's not just a carrot that many abortion, but the seeds also have useful content banak also, that the seeds contain flavonoids, essential oils, including asaron, pinene, and limonene, Tiglath acid, azaron, and bisabol, which berkasiat meristin aphrodisiac effect .


Causes And How To Fight Hair Tree

Caring branched hairs will be easier if we already know why. Caring in people with long hair will be more difficult. This is because the farther end of the hair from the scalp, the less oil from the glands under the skin of the head that up so the tip of the hair becomes dry and brittle. It is natural causes without our intervention.

While the cause of branched hairs which include our intervention are:

- Hair polish
Moreover, if often, get ready for it if your hair is damaged because of their chemical compounds.


Height Increase Tips

Here are tips increase height for those who want to have a high body in order to achieve the ideal body.

1. Expand the sport (sport) and standing activities.
A good exercise to increase height including basketball, swimming, jumping rope and others.

2. Inadequate nutrient intake (nutrition) and vitamins.
Adequate nutrition will be very helpful. If possible try to eat 4 healthy 5 perfect every day. Or if not always provide at least a menu of vegetables especially those containing iron and calcium in your food menu. Such as spinach, mustard greens and others.

3. Drinking milk calcium.
Drinking fresh milk or milk also naturally good if you do not buy milk or high calcium (high calcium) that are sold in supermarkets nearby.


How to Eat / Drink Drugs by True

How to Eat / Drink Drugs Right for healthy fast? Ever felt it went to 5aspirindokter but have not healed as well? Maybe we do not have to say the medicine is ineffective but see if a way to take his medication is correct or not.

Lots of opinions about how to take medication, such as "if you take any medicines should eat rice in advance, do not take medication with milk, etc.". Opinions can be true, but many are wrong.

Although once everyone would have to take medication. But perhaps many are not paying attention to the drugs consumed. Many people take OTC or prescription drugs without concern for potential side effects or contraindications of the drugs taken.


How to Fattening Agency

Having a body that is too thin it can make people inferior. They are afraid to say sickly or malnourished, but every day they feel they have to consume foods that are nutritious. Too thin to make less good appearance, bone protrusions appear here and there which is not very pleasant to the eye.

Has the ideal body fat is a thin person. For those who want to gain weight, here are some quick ways to fatten the body naturally:

1. Sport
With exercise the body will be healthy, so the body will function better. Try at least one week in sports at least once. With a form of exercise that can make you at least sweat.


10 Myths Sports wrong

1. You have been exercising with a maximum when it feels pain.
Wrong. You do not need to hurt when exercising. Feeling ill at the time of the new movement was perfectly natural. But the pain with pain differently, lo. In order for your exercise program is successful, you do not need to force the muscles to hurt. When that happens, you just have to stop.


Causes of Brain Cancer

Brain cancer is a chronic disease that arises due to the growth of cancer in the brain other than cancer, although it includes such benign cancer in other body areas, but the cancer is very annoying and potentially become malignant cancer that is harmful to health and result in death. Almost all tasks of the body in motion by the brain, other than that the brain is also in charge of remembering all the things that have happened to us.

Before we get to know the causes of brain cancer first let us see what are the symptoms of brain cancer. Because the cancer attacking the brain, then there will be a lot of symptoms for its sufferers the symptoms themselves can be either physical or behavioral. In general, brain cancer patients will experience symptoms of-way.


Causes of Breast Cancer Can Beginning Of Life

According to research that Can Cause Breast Cancer Lifestyle Starting From you know, so you should from now you can prevent one of the causes of breast cancer by reading articles that are presented to a special friend of the loyal Indonesian artists news visit here.

Breast cancer is one of the most deadly diseases Yg experienced by women. Like it's not scary enough, now appeared again a new fact: one in eight women will develop breast cancer. Estimated, it is triggered by obesity, excessive alcohol consumption Yg, Yg & age to have children delayed.

The researchers from Cancer Research UK stressed the importance of caring for a woman more concerned with reducing health drink alcohol, exercise, & maintaining a healthy weight. "Breast cancer is also associated with women's reproductive history," said Dr Kat Arney, of Cancer Research UK. "If women have children earlier, the risk will be reduced."


Vitamin D Help Improve Vision

Vitamin D not only good for bone growth, but also potent improve eyesight and heart health.

According to researchers, vitamin D is an important element to keep the intake of blood flow to the retina, thus helping to overcome diseases of the eye due to aging, such as macular degeneration.

The research was carried out using young rats given vitamin D for six weeks. The results showed a decrease in levels of beta amyloid, a protein compound associated with the risk of Alzheimer's, in the eyes and the bloodstream of mice, thus making the mice have increased vision.

Professor Jeffrey Glen of UCL's Institute of Ophthalmology, who led the study, explains the small blood vessels carrying blood to the retina become blocked by small molecules from time to time, this is what made ​​him become irritated.


Benefits of Ice Cream

Cold drinks that have a different sense of this turned out to have devastating effects for the brain and body. Ice cream can control your appetite. Molecule can lead to ice cream as a message to the brain cells in our body to ignore the appetite. Unfortunately parents forbid us to eat ice cream because of obesity and make the flu. Ice cream is classified into 3 categories, namely economy, good average and deluxe. In the ice cream category is distinguished as the content of milk and calcium levels. And below is 8 reasons why ice cream is good for health.

1. Maintaining heart health
Ice cream is rich in flavonoids are closely related elements similarly low mortality due to coronary heart disease. Allegedly, the content of flavonoids in milk, instead maintaining heart health, because it can inhibit the oxidation.


Five Benefits of Yoga During Pregnancy

When pregnancy occurs the physical and emotional changes quite dramatically. In most women, stress and panic usually occurs especially when the first pregnancy.

These conditions can certainly have a negative impact to the developing fetus. One way around that is to do yoga while pregnant. The practice of yoga has many benefits not only for physical health of mother and fetus but also kestablian emotions. Here are five benefits that can be obtained through the practice of yoga during pregnancy.

1. Relaxation
During exercise, the mind and body will be trained to be more relaxed and focused on the health of themselves and fetus. This makes it less stressful on the mother, feeling calmer and build a relationship with the fetus.


Benefits of Yoga For Health

By doing yoga there are many benefits that impact on the health of our bodies, sperti body more flexible, improve immunity, calm the mind, immune, and others. Yoga is a proven science, which tracks home for thousands of years back and consists of theory and observation, which has been proved true by modern science.


Mandatory Benefits That You Know Sports

Benefits of exercise are good for the body can be obtained by exercising regularly every day. Exercising does not have long, 20 minutes is enough for us. Benefits of exercise one can directly and we feel there is also that we can feel in a certain period in the future.

By exercising we can release the fatigue and muscle tension reflect during work. In addition, there are many more benefits of exercise we can get as long as we diligently do so.

In addition to physical health, activity was sport for some people this could be the pride of its own. For example, athletes can get the achievement as a result of their exercise routine or bodybuilders become more confident with their body shape. Thus, today many who made the sport as a hobby in their lives separate.


Shrinking Stomach Tips

How to shrink the stomach, this is a problem that often hit man at age 30 and above, because at this age all the muscles relax all activities such as sport began to decrease and more focused towards employment. Though having abdominal fat have identical problems with health.

Shrinking Stomach Tips

So avoid all that, because health is very very expensive prices, for that time I will try to share info on how to shrink the stomach tips, so you have a healthier body, and will certainly nice to have in view. Okay let me not beat around the bush following habits or tips so that the stomach has an ideal (healthy).


Honey for Health Benefits

This time I will review about the benefits of honey, Honey has been known since last year's century BC approximately. Honey is famous for its efficacy in 1001, so many benefits generated by the honey. Savor the honey was in the Qur'an also has its own privileges.

Honey is derived from bees and insects. Honey is a viscous liquid and has a sweeter taste than sugar, honey is sourced from fruit sugars (glucose and fructosa), a lot of the benefits of honey.

It's really special about the efficacy of honey in the life of the world for humans. Immediately following I love some of the benefits of honey in the world of Health:

1. Can clean the dirt in the intestines, blood vessels and lain2
2. Can Neutralize body moisture
3. To prevent liver and kidney disease
4. Honey can also treat pain rabies / mushroom poisoning
5. Honey is also good for the skin
6. Honey is also handy for beauty
7. Benefits of honey also overcome the body due to fatigue, and many more benefits of honey.


9 Steps Changing Sleep Patterns Good

Familiarize yourself with poor sleep quality could get you into trouble sleeping at night and the body will tersa not fit in the daytime. anxiety, stress, caffeine, alcohol, and watching TV in bed is the main cause why people have trouble sleeping.
To get used to a good sleep, I recommend to do the following:

Make routine activities that calm before you sleep. Create a better body and Relax your mind through prayer, meditation, listening to your favorite music.

Try drinking a glass of warm milk 15 minutes before bedtime, because milk contains calcium which acts to calm the nerves.


Benefits of Watermelon Fruit And Efficacy

Watermelon is delicious eaten fresh and in addition it also contains a variety of health benefits. Want to know what the benefits are largely unknown by many people.

Lycopene in watermelon kasiat also donated specially for married men. This fruit can increase fertility and help men's sexual arousal.

Watermelon has the property to stimulate more rapid discharge of urine, so it had benefits for those with impaired urination.

The fruit has a benefit also to reduce fever. Watermelon has the advantage to be able to prevent canker sores with potent


Content of Coffee for Health Effects

Although coffee was first known by man as a medicinal plant, the modern medical world has long been suspected of coffee as a cause / trigger various diseases. Why is coffee, not food / beverages? Perhaps because coffee has absolutely no nutritional content, but it can make people feel better without a clear sebab2.


Beauty Tips With Tea | Benefits of Tea For Beauty

Beauty Tips With Tea | Benefits of Tea For Beauty - Tea is a plant that is widely available in Indonesia and other kinds of beverages, the result of processing the leaves teh.Anda may know, that a connoisseur of tea has a much more rational disposition and quiet compared to the coffee connoisseur or wine.

In addition, people who took the habit of drinking tea in his life will also look younger than people her age.

"Drinking tea is a habit that we must maintain. Tea is not a drug that was taken immediately healed. It took me long to feel the benefits, well balanced with a healthy lifestyle. Useless diligently drinking tea, but still a hobby bersantan eat-foods, greasy, late nights and merokok.Di below we describe the benefits of tea for beauty.


5 Steps to Enjoying Raw Vegetables

You want to be a raw foodist, but including those that are less or not at all like vegetables? Do not back off first. Your antipathy toward vegetables, especially raw, can be anticipated with the following steps.

1. Change the mindset
If you associate the vegetable with a bad taste in the tongue, no matter how that is done, you still will not be able to enjoy it. Change the view, and feel the difference.

2. Try to practice the sensitivity of the tongue
Over the years flavorings, artificial sweeteners, and other artificial food substances unwittingly been dulled sense of taste. That is why we need to reduce foods that contain these ingredients from the daily diet. Thus the sense of raw vegetables and fruit will be more acceptable to your tongue.


6 Food is important for Brighter Skin Color

It's useless to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for skin lightening product if it does not do the treatment from the inside. With good nutrition, healthy skin and so it automatically looks brighter. Any foods that must be consumed so that the skin is no longer dark and dull?

1. Orange
All types of citrus fruit, including grapefruit, is a source of vitamin C that has many benefits for the skin. Vitamin C increases the production of collagen and elastin in our body, which serves to reduce wrinkles and prevent skin aging. He is also believed to slow the production of melanin, the pigment that makes skin look darker. Try to consume fresh orange once a day. In addition to oranges, tomatoes are also a fruit rich in vitamin C.


10 Other Uses Of Tea

Besides delicious drink with a myriad of benefits, tea has a variety of other uses.

Here are a few :

1. cleaning the carpet
Cleaning the carpet with the problem of moldy and dirty. Spread the leaves of green tea on the carpet, let stand for 10 minutes, then using a vacuum suction.


7 Habits of People Empowerment Remember Strong

People remember strong power has some habits that will not miss them every day. Train the habit might make you become one of those who remember the strong power.

Protect and enhance the ability of the brain is very easy. Simply train a few little quirks and change patterns that are not good. The brain will stay alive even if it increases its ability to continue to be trained and used.

An online survey conducted by Australian researchers on 29,500 respondents people who have been selected and included categories of people who have a strong memory.

The respondents previously underwent several tests of memory such as remembering the events of 1, 5 or 20 years ago, memorizing a shopping list, remembering faces, names and employment respectively. Researchers also analyzed the pattern of life and the daily diet.


7 Things that Make Your Mouth Odor

Halitosis or bad breath is a common problem that is often experienced by many people, and sometimes regarded as something shameful. During this oral hygiene area is less attention, thus triggering the development of various diseases such as caries, gingivitis, tartar until bad breath.

Want to know what can trigger bad breath? Here are 7 (seven) the most common cause that makes your breath smell:

1. Stacking food : piling leftovers mouthfeel is the most common cause of bad breath. Food particles are transformed into the anaerobic bacteria producing bad breath like rotten eggs.


6 Benefits of Vitamin C

As a water-soluble vitamins, vitamin C has an important role in warding off many diseases. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid, commonly known by this has a significant role in the formation of collagen which helps boost the immune system and helps absorption of iron.

In fact, some studies show the benefits of vitamin C in lowering cholesterol levels and produce certain chemicals in the brain. In addition, the high content of antioxidants in vitamin C also can wipe free radicals that damage cells in the body.

Of the many benefits that have been described, it turns out there are many more benefits of vitamin C that have not been revealed, as quoted Besthealthmag following:


Some Lower Body Exercise The Quick

Some Quick Lower Body Exercise The Exercise is an important factor in weight loss programs. But what kind of exercises are most effective to lose a few pounds of weight or reduce a few inches waist circumference? Some Lower Body Exercise The Fast Learn the nine sports that quickly help you lose weight and need to be incorporated in daily activities, as reported by the All Women stalk.


Reduce Smoking Tips

Tips Reduce Smoking is a habit that can interfere with our health. The content of a cigarette among which nicotine, tar and other chemicals that are harmful to the body. Everyone is aware that smoking is not good for health. But to a smoker, Reduce Smoking Tips stop smoking is a very difficult thing to do. Meokok is a habit. There is no habit can not be changed. So is the habit of smoking. Most important is the existence of a genuine intention of a smoker to quit smoking. Here are some tips on how to quit smoking:

- Seriously intend to quit smoking
If a smoker wants to quit smoking then there must be a major intention of the self-smokers. This is important because without the intention of the smokers then all the way to stop smoking will be in vain.

- Delay the urge to smoke
If you want to smoke then postpone a while longer. The longer you can delay the urge to smoke, the fewer the number of cigarettes you suck every day.

- Reduce consumption of cigarettes gradually.
Stopping smoking is very difficult indeed directly. But the habit can we change the way slowly but surely. For example in a day you spend 2 packs of cigarettes, then tomorrow, try to reduce it to 1.5 packs. Then the next day a package and so on until you stop smoking.


Dangers of Smoking

Smoking is one of the activities that must be done by some people who are already ingrained in life. Most of them know what impact that may result from smoking, but it will not be discouraged the majority of smokers to make a regular habit that had been living for the sake of fulfilling their inner satisfaction.

Endless discussions about the dangers of smoking, both in the official forums and chat daily. But also an endless number of smokers in Indonesia and in the world. There are reasons that smokers use to launch their big aksinya.Sebagian said to reduce stress, have an addiction, as a friend or even as a contributor to state revenues. Whereas substances contained in cigarettes are many and dangerous among others:


Heart, What Can You Do?

Palpitations is the medical term for irregular heartbeat, too strong or has abnormal speed. In general, people are not aware of their heartbeat. During normal walking heart rate, we do not feel the heartbeat in the routine of everyday life. When the heart is beating too fast or irregular, there is an uncomfortable feeling.

Normal heart rate at rest ranges between 60-100 times per minute. The highly-trained athletes have resting heart rate 30-40 per minute and those who exercise have less heart rate 80 per minute. Average heart rate was 70 per minute.

Palpitations usually lasts only a few minutes, but in some cases can take hours or days. Some people experience palpitations several times a day, others may only occasionally.


Exactly How to Hold New Born Baby

All women after giving birth would have loved to see her baby newborn. Moreover, if the newborn it is your first child. There must be a desire to immediately hold the tiny baby.

But you also need to know the baby is still weak and frail. We recommend that you learn how to hold the right. The earlier the age of the baby, the more need a special way to hold true.

Tips lift the newborn:

1. When the baby on his back, put your left hand to the bottom of the head and neck. Then barengi by inserting the right hand to the buttocks to the back. Let your hands be there for a while before you pick it up.

2. Make sure both hands supporting the baby's body, especially the neck is still vulnerable, and then lift slowly.


Obese Women Often Forgotten Memory

A study conducted by Northwestern University, Illinois. The researchers conducted several tests to test your memory of 8745 women. Previously they were classified according to body shape.

In the study proved, the women with an apple body shape with a higher fat content have a worse memory than women petite or pear shaped.

Those who have a relatively large body with more fat content usually have health problems such as blocked blood flow. Blood flow is not smooth will make the content of oxygen in the brain is reduced so that the effect on memory.


Benefits of Drinking Milk To Lower Breast Cancer Risk

Benefits of milk is no doubt. Almost all of the nutrients contained in milk of good quality. Protein and milk fat has a high ketecernaan properties. Vitamin and mineral content of milk is also relatively complete.

Milk can be consumed in various forms. There is nothing in the fresh or processed form, such as milk powder or condensed milk. Humans also consume milk from food products containing milk, such as cheese, ice cream, and yogurt.

However, there are still differences of opinion about the consumption of this milk. There are groups who claim that the consumption of milk every day is not good for health, especially vascular diseases such as narrowing of blood vessels. The argument is, milk increases blood cholesterol levels are a risk factor for heart disease. Second, a positive relationship between average milk production per capita with death from heart disease in some countries.

Other groups supporting the role of milk at a reduced risk of various degenerative diseases, like heart disease, hypertension, and cancer. Recent studies in Norway support it.


Children's Health Program

Generation of children is a nation that should be in the fighting. By conducting child health programs, this can help the progress of a nation. With this progress we no longer need to see the poverty that hit everywhere. For that to us to educate, monitor, maintain health or education of children is necessary. This is so the child mortality rates are not soaring.

By giving immunizations and proper education, we can produce young people who deserve the proud. With us aware child mortality rates are quite large enough we should be able to do prevention. Such as infectious disease prevention will be rich with HIV / AIDS, provide adequate nutrition to children, young people avoid marriage resulting in higher infant mortality, provide ation exclusively for 6 months, pay attention during pregnancy and others.


Minimizing a coffee hobby Depression

Hobbies sipping coffee was beneficial for mental health. Research shows women who like coffee have a lower risk to suffer from depression than women who do not have a coffee or just a cup of coffee a day.

Although still too early to recommend coffee habits in order to prevent depression, but research results are published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine was at least able to reduce the guilt of coffee addicts.
"The results of this research can reduce the negative image of coffee consumption. Caffeine in high doses has been associated with symptoms of anxiety and other psychiatric illnesses, so many experts recommend to reduce the coffee," said Dr.Christopher Cargile, a psychiatrist from Texas who was not involved in the research this.

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