How to Fattening Agency

Having a body that is too thin it can make people inferior. They are afraid to say sickly or malnourished, but every day they feel they have to consume foods that are nutritious. Too thin to make less good appearance, bone protrusions appear here and there which is not very pleasant to the eye.

Has the ideal body fat is a thin person. For those who want to gain weight, here are some quick ways to fatten the body naturally:

1. Sport
With exercise the body will be healthy, so the body will function better. Try at least one week in sports at least once. With a form of exercise that can make you at least sweat.

2. Drinking milk
Milk can also be a healthy addition to fatten your body, especially the full cream milk. It is advisable to drink full cream milk type two times a day.

3. Chew food
When the food in the mouth then chew until smooth. This is done to facilitate the stomach. Moreover, eating foods that are difficult to digest. Because apart in your mouth no more teeth in forging tlain.

4. Eat regularly
Every day eat regularly. Always have breakfast in the morning, lunch then dinner time. And can be interspersed among them certain foods.

5. Type of food
Type of food you eat adjust your activity. If you are a man of many moves then eat a lot of carbohydrates or fats. Because if the excess, then the carbohydrate and fat will be backfilled. Unlike the proteins that the body will not be stockpiled.

6. Enough sleep.
Our bodies need a minimum of 8 hours for rest. Always try to nap.

7. Reduce smoking and staying up late.
If you smoke, then reduce it, and if you often stay up then get rid of the habit.

8. If possible, the consumption of egg whites once a day.

9. Check your health
If you ever skinny fat and then try to check your health. If not for the disease then at least with tips on how to quickly fatten your body is already there is a change within one month.

Factors affecting body weight :
  1. Genetic factors. If both parents and siblings did have the same problem that is difficult fat, then chances are you are genetically thin.
  2. There is a problem of metabolism, such as a disturbance in the system of absorption (absorption) of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract. Or there may be problems in the digestive system. If you include people who often experience indigestion (frequent constipation, frequent diarrhea, or often feel pain in the abdomen) is better you consult a physician specialist in internal medicine (internist) to determine whether there is interference on your body.

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