Benefits of Carrot And Gynecology

Do not look if it was only good for a carrots vegetables alone, or many people menenal anyapada benefits of vitamin A are carrots its course, the benefits of carrots is not a little for the health of our bodies. Carrots mempuyai chemical content of lumyan complete. Among them there are the sugar content of carrots, carotene, pectin, aspargin, vitamin A, b, C, D, and vitamin K, tight, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, amino acids, essential oils, and betakarotin.

Plus it's not just a carrot that many abortion, but the seeds also have useful content banak also, that the seeds contain flavonoids, essential oils, including asaron, pinene, and limonene, Tiglath acid, azaron, and bisabol, which berkasiat meristin aphrodisiac effect .

While the leaves of carrots contain paspirine, substances contained in carrots is needed in the work function of the gland triggers endoktrin, particularly the adrenal glands and gonads, are also efficacious nourish the reproductive system.

Then the benefits of carrots that is useful to meet the needs of calcium in bone formation, anti-cancer, gastric ulcers, tonsils, throat and respiratory disorders, prevent constipation (constipation), antioxidants, boosts the immune system, and smooth the skin.

Substances contained in carrots beneficial to the reproductive system, in this case to overcome infertility dn nourish the reproductive system.

Carotene content of carrots are also good for eye health. Helps prevent night blindness and improve vision are weak, lack vitmin A or known in medical terms as avitaminosis A can cause night blindness. Carrots can mngatasinya.

In carrots also contained pectin is good for lowering blood cholesterol. High fiber is also beneficial to prevent constipation.

Drinking carrot juice can also be overcome ganggun skin, like acne, abscess, or dry skin.

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