Causes of Breast Cancer Can Beginning Of Life

According to research that Can Cause Breast Cancer Lifestyle Starting From you know, so you should from now you can prevent one of the causes of breast cancer by reading articles that are presented to a special friend of the loyal Indonesian artists news visit here.

Breast cancer is one of the most deadly diseases Yg experienced by women. Like it's not scary enough, now appeared again a new fact: one in eight women will develop breast cancer. Estimated, it is triggered by obesity, excessive alcohol consumption Yg, Yg & age to have children delayed.

The researchers from Cancer Research UK stressed the importance of caring for a woman more concerned with reducing health drink alcohol, exercise, & maintaining a healthy weight. "Breast cancer is also associated with women's reproductive history," said Dr Kat Arney, of Cancer Research UK. "If women have children earlier, the risk will be reduced."

Formation of breast cancer, according to the researchers, also triggered by sex hormones oesterogen, Yg decreased during pregnancy. Therefore, women Yg delay (delayed or forced) to have children will be exposed to estrogen in a higher proportion of Yg, & with itself will increase the risk of breast cancer.

Hormone replacement therapy, Yg is used by millions of women every year to fight the symptoms of menopause, also be the cause of another Yg. Nearly half of them Yg diagnosed with breast cancer between the ages of 50-69 years.

Nevertheless, medical experts would like to remind also that the treatment of breast cancer has increased considerably compared to 10 last year. "Women with breast cancer more Yg byk, but their survival is also increased thanks to a breakthrough in awareness about breast cancer, screening, & treatment," said Dr. Rachel Greig, of Breakthrough Breast Cancer.

Yg study conducted by the World Cancer Research Fund in 2009 showed that more than 40 percent of cases of breast cancer when women be helped to change his lifestyle. "Prevention must come from two sources: a commitment to research on the causes of breast cancer, & women themselves have to equip themselves with information about the risk of this disease," said Dr. Greig.

Meanwhile Sara Hiom, director of health information at Cancer Research UK, said that more sports byk & Yg foods rich in fiber but low in saturated fat content, collapsible help maintain a healthy weight & Yg "Yg result could reduce the risk of breast cancer."

On the issue of delaying pregnancy, this would not be a problem for women Yg healthy condition. But how Yg with women forced to postpone pregnancy because do not have a spouse, married at the age of Yg is not young anymore, or having trouble getting pregnant? Should they also have to take blame?

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