Five Benefits of Yoga During Pregnancy

When pregnancy occurs the physical and emotional changes quite dramatically. In most women, stress and panic usually occurs especially when the first pregnancy.

These conditions can certainly have a negative impact to the developing fetus. One way around that is to do yoga while pregnant. The practice of yoga has many benefits not only for physical health of mother and fetus but also kestablian emotions. Here are five benefits that can be obtained through the practice of yoga during pregnancy.

1. Relaxation
During exercise, the mind and body will be trained to be more relaxed and focused on the health of themselves and fetus. This makes it less stressful on the mother, feeling calmer and build a relationship with the fetus.

2. Reducing pain
Gentle stretching movements that will help reduce pain and soreness that often experienced by pregnant women. When pregnancy is enlarged, it will usually feel pain when walking. With yoga exercises that can be reduced.

3. Better quality sleep
Many pregnant women experience insomnia or feel tired after waking up. Yoga exercises can resolve the issue. With breathing exercises and movements that make the body more relaxed, will create more quality sleep.

4. Strengthen muscles
Yoga is an exercise in the kind of "low-impact" that can strengthen the muscles. Due to hormonal changes, pregnant women's body will naturally become more flexible. To that end, must be careful to avoid muscle strain. One way to avoid this is to practice yoga.

5. Simplify the process of normal birth
At birth normally, your "required" to set a good breath. If the settings do not breath properly, it can inhibit the birth process. With practice yoga regularly, you will be trained to regulate the breath and to relax while undergoing the process of childbirth.

Things you need to know, the practice of yoga during pregnancy should be under the supervision of professional trainers. If you are interested in doing so, you should also consult with your obstetrician, given the condition of each person is different.

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