How to Eat / Drink Drugs by True

How to Eat / Drink Drugs Right for healthy fast? Ever felt it went to 5aspirindokter but have not healed as well? Maybe we do not have to say the medicine is ineffective but see if a way to take his medication is correct or not.

Lots of opinions about how to take medication, such as "if you take any medicines should eat rice in advance, do not take medication with milk, etc.". Opinions can be true, but many are wrong.

Although once everyone would have to take medication. But perhaps many are not paying attention to the drugs consumed. Many people take OTC or prescription drugs without concern for potential side effects or contraindications of the drugs taken.

Here are a few things to consider in taking medicine:

A. Period Drink

Here it mean when the sick and must take medication three times a day then take her medicine should not be arbitrarily. We often drink if just remember, or drinking is not clear when and like to forget. Purpose 3 x 1 tablet a day meant to take his medication every 8 hours, if 2 x 1 tablet means 12 hours at a time. Because in a single day there are 24 hours so divided the number of times drinking. So even though we are already taking medication three times a day but the period is not appropriate or even delayed the drug levels would not be effective.

B. Eating Before or after eating

"It may be taken anytime" But on the other hand, people wondered, did the drug is safe to drink without eating first. Would not this will affect the stomach and thousands of other questions that arise minds about possible interactions between drugs and food.

Many people assume that important I have to drink the medicine was not as simple that. Some drugs have a good absorbsinya if the stomach is empty or filled stomach.

Actually, how food can affect drug action? Drugs administered orally are going through the digestive tract first. Therefore, the results of drug action in the human body is very likely influenced by food or drink is consumed. The mechanism may occur through inhibition of absorption of the drug or by affecting the activity of enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract, or enzymes in the liver.

There are two possible results of drug and food interactions. The former drug and food interactions can reduce or even eliminate the efficacy or benefits of drugs and that both can increase the side effects or the effects of the drug itself.

We recommend you read the rules of use carefully, if taken before meals is said, meaning the drug drink on an empty stomach (1 / 2 to 1 hour before meals). Conversely if a written drunk after meals, meaning that when the stomach filled with food drink (finish eating until ½ hour after meals) and there are more drugs taken at meal times.

C. The right dose

That is according to the recommended dosage, eg if the drug can be in the form of solution (syrup) in order to drink a teaspoon of meaning not the small teaspoon in our homes. Common small spoon in Indonesia is only about 3ml, while the dose is right for one teaspoon is 5 mL. Usually the drug syrup existing medicine spoon (tsp) 1 tsp which equals 5 mL.

For a large spoon (tablespoon) in our homes may be just around 7 mL, while the right dosage to one tablespoon is 15 mL.

So if drugs are not given with the right dose (according to) the administered dose was also not appropriate, it could be less or excessive dosage which will ultimately be fatal.

Here are some public opinion about taking medicine

1. Before taking medication should eat first

Could be true, can any

There are drugs that should be taken after meals because these medications irritate the stomach, but there are also classes of drugs that must be taken before meals, because of the presence of food in the stomach can inhibit absorption.

2. Take medications with a softdrink can be drunk

Could be true, can any

Carbonate-containing soft drinks are readily react with other chemical substances contained in medications. Therefore, taking medicine with soft drinks is not recommended. If the drunk or not, depending on which drugs are consumed and how the circumstances of one's body, due to drug reactions in people who are one with the other person could differ. Taking medicine with plain water is best.

3. Vitamin C can cause ulcers

Could be true, can any

Vitamin C is irritating to the stomach, and therefore should not be consumed on an empty stomach. But as developments in the fields of pharmacy, is currently on the acid groups are esterified vitamin C so that there is no longer acidic, and consequently no longer irritate the stomach (ex: Ester C). Vitamin C of this type are relatively safe when taken before meals.

4. Headache medication can be taken on an empty stomach


Headache medications usually contain paracetamol or Metampiron. These substances absorption is inhibited by the presence of food in the stomach. So it is recommended to take this medicine on an empty stomach in order to obtain a rapid effect.

5. Should not take medication with milk


Milk is composed of a fairly complex matter, one of which is calcium. Some drugs are known to react with the calcium of milk so that it can inhibit the absorption such as tetracycline. When absorption is inhibited, the drug can not provide the expected effect.

When The Right Time to Take Drugs?

Taking the drug, whether OTC or prescription drugs including antibiotics should not be done on an empty stomach because it can cause adverse effects. Always use water instead of coffee, milk or tea when taking medication. And most importantly, always follow the recommended usage to avoid dangerous side effects.

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