Heart, What Can You Do?

Palpitations is the medical term for irregular heartbeat, too strong or has abnormal speed. In general, people are not aware of their heartbeat. During normal walking heart rate, we do not feel the heartbeat in the routine of everyday life. When the heart is beating too fast or irregular, there is an uncomfortable feeling.

Normal heart rate at rest ranges between 60-100 times per minute. The highly-trained athletes have resting heart rate 30-40 per minute and those who exercise have less heart rate 80 per minute. Average heart rate was 70 per minute.

Palpitations usually lasts only a few minutes, but in some cases can take hours or days. Some people experience palpitations several times a day, others may only occasionally.

The cause of palpitations are very diverse, including:
  • Heart disease. Most people who have palpitations have no heart disease. A small part of palpitations caused by heart rhythm disturbances (arrhythmias). Atrial fibrillation, the heart rhythm disorder that involves both sides of the auricle is one problem that causes heart palpitations. Condition called paroxysmal atrial tachycardia (ATP) also causes the heart to beat faster (often twice the normal speed). It is associated with impaired electrical conduction between heart chambers that lasted for several seconds or minutes before returning to normal. Other heart problems such as leaking valves, coronary heart disease, etc. can also cause palpitations.
  • The influence of emotions: emotional responses to stressful events and emotional.
  • Physical activity: doing intense physical activity exceeds the ability of
  • Anemia: anemia causes the heart muscle of oxygen shortage.
  • Magnesium and potassium deficiency.
  • Food: heavy smoking, drinking alcohol, excessive caffeine (from tea, coffee or cola drinks), preservatives, flavoring and coloring certain foods, and some types of medication (eg asthma medication).
  • Hormonal problems: excessive thyroid hormone production or improvement of various hormones in pregnant women.
  • Adrenal gland tumors.


The diagnosis is usually based on a patient's medical history. Examination conducted by the physician depending on lifestyle (smoking, alcohol consumption, etc.), age, weight and other facts are there other than palpitations.

The doctor will record your heart rate, blood pressure and control your breathing. A blood test can measure thyroid hormone levels, hemoglobin, potassium, magnesium and drugs that may cause heart palpitations.

In almost all cases, palpitations may be confirmed by ECG, but only to a complaint that is going on. Electrocardiogram (ECG) was recorded electrical activity of the heart muscle. Cardiac electrical voltage is measured at a range of millivolts, so that the equipment is very sensitive. Holter monitor (portable EKG machines that monitor heart rate for 24 hours), exercise stress test, and coronary artery test can help check the palpitations caused heart problems.

The doctor may also need to know your sensitivity to certain foods and allergies, thyroid function tests, etc..


Palpitations are not associated with specific health problems usually do not require treatment. There are drugs that can reduce the palpitations, but generally only necessary if the palpitations are caused by the disease.

Tips for you
  • By the time you feel your heart pounding, it is best to try to relax and not panic. Stop doing the activity and     take a deep breath. Light walking may help.
  • Reduce physical stress and emotional stress
  • Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Reduce your intake of caffeine.
  • Be careful of sensitive foods and avoid preservatives and food coloring if possible.
  • Replace your medication that may cause palpitations.
  • Make sure you enough magnesium. Magnesium deficiency causes a faster heart rate. Magnesium found in dark green leafy vegetables, fish, nuts, seeds, bananas, apples, and dairy and wheat products.
  • Make sure the balance of sodium and potassium. Both of these minerals play an important role in the proper transmission of nerve impulses in the muscles, including heart muscle. Too much of one mineral deficiencies that led to another, so that people who eat lots of salt greater risk of heart palpitations. People usually get more than enough sodium (salt form) through food. Therefore, more important is to ensure adequate potassium. Potassium found in fruits such as oranges and bananas, sunflower seeds, cereals, bread and potatoes.
  • Multiply eat garlic and Seed. Garlic and Black Seed helps strengthen the heart and blood vessels.

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